标题: GC 功放的真正含义 [打印本页] 作者: 发烧狂人 时间: 2006-2-25 08:45 标题: GC 功放的真正含义 很多人在叫GC 功放,却少有人知道意义,有GAINCLOWN,GAINCARD,GAINCLONE----什么意思呢?我查了英文网站才知,大家共享!!! ------- 日本有家Hi-End音響廠47Labs,在1999年,用LM3875做了一台每聲道只有9顆元件的擴大機GainCard,由於便宜又好聲(以Hi-End的標準來說算便宜了,只配一個變壓器的話才三千多美金),很快引起DIY族的仿製,也就是Gainclone這個名稱的由來。What is a Gainclone?
Back in 1999, relatively unknown manufacturer 47-Labs released the "Gaincard" to rave reviews. It immediately caused controversy because it was based around a $5 power amplifier IC (Integrated Circuit), yet a typical setup would cost you around $3300.
This wasn';t the first so-called "chip-amp" that I';d come across - some years ago I read a Hi-Fi World review of a product by Final Laboratory that also commanded a four-figure price tag for a handful of cheap components. But it was the Gaincard that caught the imagination of audio diy-ers around the world and before long, copies of the Gaincard were appearing on internet sites and discussion forums. The Gainclone was born! 作者: 软故障 时间: 2006-2-26 14:44 标题: GC 功放的真正含义 回来在1999, 相关地未知的制造商47-Labs释放了“Gaincard” 叫道评论。 因为在$5权力放大器集成电路附近它被基于,所以它很快地引起了争吵(集成电路), 在$3300附近典型的设置将还花费你。
这不是第一所谓“碎片安培” 我已经遇到- 在为便宜的部件的一一把也命令了一个4数字价格标签的最终的实验室边我一些年以前读一件产品的高保真音箱世界考察。 但是它是那抓住了的Gaincard音频的diy嗯的想象力在全世界并且没多久, 在因特网站点和讨论讨论会上Gaincard的拷贝正在出现。 Gainclone出生! 作者: hhxa00 时间: 2006-2-28 05:44 标题: GC 功放的真正含义 晕 !!
金山快译翻译的???作者: 冰罐 时间: 2006-2-28 12:27 标题: GC 功放的真正含义 可以简单理解为:最简单!作者: 软故障 时间: 2006-2-28 14:31 标题: GC 功放的真正含义